The Splash Pad and playground at Truman Waterfront Park.
About the Project
In 2018, the City of Key West completed the first phase of construction of Truman Waterfront Park - a multi-use waterfront park situated on land previously previously occupied by the Naval Base in Key West, Fl, and bordered by a number of uses including former President Truman's Winter White House.
CivicMoxie helped to coordinate and produce an Arts and Cultural Plan to assist in the programming of the park itself, as well as helping to commission a number of ecologically- and environmentally-focused projects to kickstart the activation of the space and bring awareness to the distinct ecological issues faced by the Florida Keys. The plan also provided recommendations to increase local connectivity between the park and provide opportunities for shared community programming while respecting and celebrating local cultures and communities, including the nearby historic neighborhood of Bahama Village. The resulting plan helped to present a holistic vision for the park that integrated the unique social and cultural capital and assets unique to Key West.

The Quay along Truman Waterfront featuring the USCGC Ingham, a retired navy vessel that now serves as a museum.
My Role
In addition to leading research and production of a marketing proposal that won the firm the project, I was responsible for review and synthesis of past plans, on-the-ground qualitative research and documentation of the site, in addition to interviews and public outreach (including a public meeting aboard a naval vessel) to determine public opinion of the opportunities presented by the project.
After multiple site visits, I helped to produce the final plan, including the creation of various mapping and graphic illustrations of concepts and recommendations generated from a combination of community-informed research and best practice.

The world-famous Sandy's Cafe - an unmissable local stop for Cuban sandwiches and coffee.